فارسی عربي

Int’l section of Tehran Short filmfest calls for entries

The International section of the Tehran International Short Film Festival has called for entries.

The International section of the Tehran International Short Film Festival has called for entries.

The call for entries was released in English and Arabic, adding two new sections including ‘Truth Seekers’ and ‘The Silk Road’.

In the early 1970s, the “Tehran International Film Festival” was held as the first film festival for short and feature 8 and 16-mm amateur movies. It was held around the country under the title of “Provincial Youth Cinema Film Festival”.

Organized by Iranian Youth Cinema Society (IYCS), the event is held to provide an opportunity for young filmmakers to exchange their experiences.

The organizers plan to promote the festival and introduce its activities to the world through increased interactions with foreign short film markets and filmmakers.

TISFF is held annually in Iranian capital city of Tehran with National and International Competitions sections.

The 40th edition of the event is scheduled for October 19-24, 2023.

